The Slush God Speaketh: Shimmer: The Pirate Issue update

As if any of you writer-types read my blog and not The Slush God’s, but, just in case, here’s what Captain John Joseph Adams says about the slush pooling in the holds of Shimmer‘s pirate issue.

Of course, I do have the exciting pirate filter, so you can read his comments in the piratical style to which you’ve become accustomed.

Okay folks, the submission period has now closed, so I figure it’s time for an update for all those concerned. So…while the submission period is closed, I haven’t yet made any final decisions or anything, and it might be a while before I sort through all the submissions. I’ve still got 50 or so waiting to be downloaded, plus a number of others I’ve got in my reading queue already. But never fear — I am the Slush God, after all, so I should be able to get through them quickly enough.

Thanks to everyone who submitted, and good luck to those of you who still have submissions pending.

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