The Horror Library Blog-O-Rama: The Horror of Women

Jason Sizemore is the guest blogger on The Horror Library’s Blog-O-Rama. He’s talking about three women of horror that he knows and has included me. He opens my section with this:

Mary Robinette Kowal is better than you.

No, she doesn’t think this. ((I don’t.)) And she’ll kill me for making such a statement. ((Yes, I will)) But I stand by the assertion. ((Such a dead man…))

She’s the female equivalent of MacGuyver, ((Okay, maybe just maimed, because I have a weakness for MacGuyver)) able to build anything from a paper clip and the remains of a crappy late 90s horror chapbook. ((All right. If you’re going to resort to blatant flattery, I’ll let you live.))

A word of fair warning if you click through. It’s all lies.

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20 thoughts on “The Horror Library Blog-O-Rama: The Horror of Women”

  1. A good part of the reason I check your site/blog daily. After coming across your laptop mod.

      1. I was thinking more along the lines of “wanna see my house? Come up and see my attic, all my old friends are there. Whoops, the lights went out.” 🙂

  2. Did anyone *not* have a crush on MacGuyver?

    I love Jason’s memories. His essays do tend toward the Brian Keene version of the truth rather than the Alethea Kontis Adventures — but it does make for some popcorn-munching entertainment.

  3. MacGuyver was, like totally, like HOT!!!

    My hubby has recently discovered the existence of the old MacGuyver shows on DVD. We’re on season two, episode 10.

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