Ten days to Spring

DSC00726But who’s counting. Look how beautiful the view of our back yard is from the dining room window. We are engaged in deep cleaning of the house, because tonight, Mr. B– arrives. This is the man with whom we are doing the house swap beginning in May. I suspect that it will rain while he’s here, but at least there will be flowers in abundance.

Last week the snowbells were still in bloom, and the grape hyacinth are just starting. The daffodils and forsythia make up for their lack.

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3 thoughts on “Ten days to Spring”

  1. Isn’t it interesting how different places have different gardening schedules. In New York, I suspect everything is still brown. In Phoenix, I have almost a full green lawn and my citrus is already starting to grow. My pear tree already flowered. My lemon tree is starting to flower. and the sages are starting to wake up. I love spring, aside from that pollen stuff.

  2. The pear tree is still a wee thing. Hasn’t produced any harvestable fruit yet. It really doesn’t like the desert summers, took about four years to get established and start growing. Maybe this year. The pear tree is where I encountered that humming bird last year, the one that let me touch. Tomorrow, I’ll see if I can take a photo of the pear tree in bloom.

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