Surrey International Writers Conference 2011: Friday

First of all, I have to say that the Surrey International Writers Conference is incredibly well run and they take really, really good care of their presenters. I’ve had a wonderful time and it’s only Friday.

I promised the people in my workshop today that I would post a link to the transcription exercise that I was talking about.  La!

I also gave the keynote speech tonight, which was an interesting experience because I was nervous. I’ve spent a lot of time in front of audiences and almost never get nervous anymore so when it happens I am at once annoyed and sort of fascinated. I wasn’t worried about the crowd, because the attendees are lovely.

No, I was nervous because Robert Dugoni did a fantastic keynote speech this morning. I mean, the sort of speech that made me leave lunch feeling inspired about writing and THEN go back to my hotel room to revisit my speech. I tell you, there’s nothing like seeing the bar set high to inspire one to revision.

But people laughed in the right places and were very generous in their response. So… whew. My body didn’t need to generate all that extra adrenalin.

I also did a Blue Pencil Session today which is this really neat thing where writers come in and talk to a pro one-on-one. They bring the first three pages or so of their WIP and talk to the pro about what’s going on with it and what they need to work on. I don’t get to see it ahead of time, it’s just me reading it in front of them and responding right there. We only have fifteen minutes, but it seems like this condensed session is capable of providing some really useful feedback.

I’ve got more tomorrow.

Here’s the Saturday schedule, if you want to see the fun we are having.

Wish you were here.

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2 thoughts on “Surrey International Writers Conference 2011: Friday”

  1. Your speech was briliant and every bit as inspiring as Robert Dugoni’s. And your workshop has been incredibly useful to me as my newly motivated self gets on with revisions. Thank you!

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