Suppressing laughter

While I was up in Albany performing Tiger Tales, we recieved an invitation for breakfast at the home of one of the professors. The meal, kangee, was delightful and my first time experiencing it. Kangee reminds me a little bit of grits, but with much yummier condiments.

Anyway, as everyone was chatting there was a discussion of professors that they had known back in Taiwan. Do you know how hard it is not to spray rice across the room when someone says, “But my favorite was Dr. Hu.”

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6 thoughts on “Suppressing laughter”

  1. Really and for truly a LOL moment.

    AAAAH! That is so awesome!

    …he’d be my favorite professor, too. Any one of him. Except maybe Six.

  2. Did anyone at the table have a clue as to why the white American girl looked like she was about to explode?

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