Strolling With The Stars at World Con

Big Blue BearStu Segal has organized a program for WorldCon called Strolling With The Stars.

To encourage a healthier, more active environment at Denvention 3 we are scheduling a 9AM walk every morning. We’ll leave from under the Big Blue Bear at the Colorado Convention Center, and we’ll stroll for a leisurely mile through downtown Denver. Each day’s walk will be led by a Famous AuthorTM, Artist, Editor or Scientist who will not only lead the walk but will interact with the participants. Join luminaries like Frank Wu, David Brin, Jay Lake, Ellen Datlow, John Picacio, Lou Anders, Paul Cornell, Scott Edelman, Mary Robinette Kowal and Stephen H. Segal for a gentle, friendly stroll to get the day started on an upbeat note.

While I’m once again looking at the other names and wondering how I wound up on that list, I’m pleased as Punch to be doing it. I was telling someone at WisCon that I liked staying in a hotel other than the con hotel because it meant that I got outside at least twice a day for some fresh air. The idea of starting off the day this way sounds lovely.

Plus, Big Blue Bear!

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7 thoughts on “Strolling With The Stars at World Con”

  1. Can I just mention that there seem to be a worrying preponderance of ninjas in my phone right now? What will they DO?!

  2. This reminded me that I have not even bought my WorldCon membership yet, though I know I will be there. :-/ Tomorrow. I’m too full of oyster stew tonight to do anything other than toddle off to bed. 🙂

  3. I’ve been meaning to write to Stu about this. Thank you for your post, it was precisely the kick in the ass that I needed.

    And of course you belong on that list of stars: you’re a Campbell Nominee, darling, and every member of the convention has a piece of paper with your name on it. That says STAR!

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