Some disassembly required.

We took a load of furniture down to our storage locker today. As we were packing, we decided to take the mirror off the vanity from Dr. Walker’s (my great-grandfather) bedroom suite. It seemed like it would be safer to move and pack. Then today, Rob noticed that it further disassembles; the shelf between the two sets of drawers pulls out, leaving us with two very small chests. The perfect, I say, the perfect size for bedside tables. So, we decided to store the rest of the vanity and take these two pieces with us. I’m delighted, because I really wanted part of Dr. Walker’s bedroom suit with me. The wardrobe is too big. We’ve got another bed, and the vanity was a throughly impractical piece for an apartment.

What’s interesting is that it’s easy to see that Dr. Walker did a repair on the vanity at some point, because there are glue marks where a crossbeam used to be. In its place are two small brackets. I wonder when it happened and if it collapsed when he had something on it, or if it just got loose and he decided to repair it.

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