Sluggish computer

I now own a 500GB external harddrive. Our other one was 50GB which we’d filled. I spent the evening dumping files and now have 20GB of free space on my computer.

It is still running sluggishly.

Before you suggest…. I’ve run anti-virus software, AdAware, defragged, restarted, checked on processes running, shut down all background programs and still, it is not happy.

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26 thoughts on “Sluggish computer”

        1. I highly recommend AVG Free antivirus and Spybot Search & Destroy. I’ve used both for many years now with no hiccups.

          You may also consider spyblaster. If you’d like linkies I can provide.

          AVG is a process hog when it runs, but if you’re like me and leave the ‘puter running 24/7 you can set the timer for hours that you shouldn’t be up.

        2. Got both of them already. Alas.

          I went through MSConfig last night and the computer is booting faster and seems less sluggish, but is still not truly happy.

          Rob suggested that maybe it’s too hot.

  1. Willis Couvillier

    Cleaned out the temporary internet and cookies folder from IE? Or any other browser you use?

    Also, perhaps there’s some registry clutter. That is the trickiest to clean out, but there’s decent programs out there that are easy to use for it.

  2. Willis Couvillier

    I’ve had really good results with McAfee’s QuickClean program.

    Another suggestion would be to make sure that the drivers for the new drive are the most current for your OS. Sometimes installing a new thing affects the system.

    1. I’ll take a look at McAfee’s QuickClean.

      I got the new drive because the computer was sluggish and I was hoping that creating more space would help. Alas… But I will double check the driver. It never hurts.

    1. SHADOW RAM!

      It was just cool to say I was busy configuring the SHADOW RAM through the dosshell.

      I miss dos too.

      1. It might be. I’ve no experience with Linux since OSX has worked fine for me lo these last five years, but I DO hear good things about it from my friends who use it!

  3. You’re on Windows, it sounds like? On Windows 95 through Me I found a complete backup, wipe, and reinstall every six months or so kept things running smoothly. Never had a computer with XP or Vista, but even on a Mac I try to do this once every year or two.

    1. I used to do the same with older versions, but honestly haven’t had to with XP. Windows Defender will generally tell you what’s eating resources (as will right-clicking the taskbar and monitor processes in task manager or whatever it’s called?)

      Does sound like something fishy!

    1. If I had installed new programs, I’d think that might be the case, but this is all stuff that I’ve been using on this machine. And it happens even when I’ve only got one program running.

      Like, I’ll take the machine offline, turn off everything running in the background such as AVG and spybot, make sure no other programs or processes are running and STILL it’s sluggish.

      1. You’ve done this, I’d expect, but if not then take a backup of anything on the internal hard disk as soon as possible. There’s an off chance (especially if it’s noisy) that the drive is struggling, and that’s causing slowness. Could fail. Is it a laptop or a desktop?

        1. I’ve been backing up nightly, since getting the new external hard drive.

          It’s a laptop and you’ve reminded me of a variable that I haven’t mentioned. I dropped it twice in the last two weeks. Not far,in either case, but the first time cracked the chassis.

  4. Theoretically what should be slowing you down (aside from any hidden worms or viruses) is the registry (Jeff’s post).

    If that doesn’t help, it’s down to increasing your RAM (if you’re using Windows XP, I have to warn you, 2 GB is the most RAM you can utilize).

    1. 2Gb per application. You can utilise 4Gb in a 32bit OS like XP or w2k, and Windows itself can grab 2Gb and leave another couple for office, Photoshop, whatever else. That said, 2Gb is about normal and anything more is excessive unless in extreme circumstances.

      The whole hard disk space/sluggish thing is a bit of an IT myth, and only relevant in the extreme cases (which Mary got to, obviously, but is passed now). If there’s not enough space to use virtual memory or write the necessary temp files, then lack of space can be an issue, but just using 85Gb of your 100Gb drive for example isn’t going to make your computer slower. That’s not the best explanation in the world, but I’m tired!

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