Signal Boost: Insuring the Terminal Patient

SF writer Janet Freeman-Daily has been fighting lung cancer since 2011. She’s written a blog post about a biopsy that her doctor requested that she can’t get, because the insurance company denied the claim.

Janet Freeman-DailyWhen I returned home from my recent road trip, a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois (my health insurance company, also known as BCBSIL) was waiting for me. Even though I already knew they denied my appeal for last September’s biopsy, I was amazed at how quickly I transitioned from tired but happy traveler to enraged cancer patient.

The upshot of their message was this:

“You already have metastatic lung cancer. A biopsy won’t change the fact that you’re going to die from cancer.”

Here’s another excerpt.

My biggest frustration is that in my case – and for an increasing number of lung cancer patients — the doomsday doctor is WRONG. I’m a perfect example of a stage IV patient who has a good prospect for years of a reasonably active life despite my disease.

Please go read the full post at Insuring the Terminal Patient | Gray Connections.

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