9 thoughts on “Shimmer Pirate Party photos”

  1. Between you and Lisa, I’ve really been thinking about it… and it won’t hurt that I’ve got a big pirate book coming out this Spring to tie a story to!

  2. I just took a peek at the photos, and am now doing my bestest wenchy pout because the party looked like it was fun, and I missed out!

    So great to see you, Beth, and Lisa with arms and legs and corsets, instead of just a head 🙂

  3. There are some imcriminating photos of Beth and others that may come in handy for blackmail purposes some day… 🙂 You know, should anyone desire such a thing. Not that I would even consider it (er… for too long, I mean).

    Pirate issue aside, when the heck is the Autumn Issue coming out? Seems like ages ago it was sent off to the printer.

  4. Mary, it was such a pleasure meeting you at WFC. (I was the guy in the bar who knew Lazy Town). As for writers submitting to the pirate issue, I’ve directed at least one young, hopeful lad your way with his story about space smugglers.

  5. James: A great big pirate book! Oh you, tempter you.

    Cat: Next time you’ll have to come.

    Jason: Aye, we were a rollickin’ band o’ scurvy dogs.

    Mr. Radley: We’re saving the really good blackmail ones for a rainy day. It takes about a month from the time we send the issue to the press to when we get it back. The Autumn issue should be arriving at Beth’s this week, and then she’ll send them out.

    Brian: It was lovely meeting you too, and not because you know where I work. The only downside to pouring drinks was that, while I got to meet everyone, I couldn’t have an uninterrupted conversation with anyone.

  6. Hey – I didn’t realize this was for your Summer ’07 issue… the pirate book (HIDDEN TREASURE: An Atlas of the Pirates of the Caribbean) is set for Spring/Summer release in hardcover, with a hefty print run. A short story and/or some illos in Shimmer would make for an interesting cross-demographic… 😉

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