Shimmer magazine needs layout helper

Later this summer I’m going to start with my official SFWA duties and I need to simplify my schedule before then. Step one: Ask someone to help with layout duties for Shimmer.

Job Description: Layout stories to conform to an existing template. Adjust for widows and orphans. Confer with art director on art placement.

Time Requirement: 10-20 hours per issue, quarterly.

Benefits: Exactly what I get. Bio and credit in magazine. Two copies of magazine per issue. Opportunity to hob-nob with talented writers during our conventions parties. Licensed copy of CorelDraw X3 graphic suite. ((If you make a strong case for moving to a different platform and are willing to do the work to make it happen, then we can talk about another program))

Skills Required: Some experience with layout preferred, but will train the right person.

Drop me a line or pass this along if you know someone who might be interested.

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7 thoughts on “Shimmer magazine needs layout helper”

  1. 10-20 hours 4 times a year?

    Just curious. I have no layout experience, so I would be totally unqualified, and I’m scertain there are plenty of people who would fit better.

  2. I would be interested (if you don’t run across anyone better qualified.)
    I’m pretty good with software, and I can read and follow intstructions. Plus the pay and benefits are awesome. Just keep me in mind. ;o)

  3. Stephen Stanley

    I was going to offer to help if you can’t find anyone else. Ms. Cheney beat me to it.

    Big question: would helping with the layout/production disqualify the person from submitting stories?

    Do you need to see my portfolio? (grinz)

    Oh, the CoralDraw thing would be a problem, too. I’m a Macinsnot. I just got used to InDesign CS3, although I still curse it regularly while pining for Quark XPress…

    Cool puppet vid. thanks.

    1. Hi Stephen. Beth and I both have been thinking about this. Our initial impulse is to say that it does disqualify someone from submitting stories, but she wants to ponder it a bit more. I’ll let you know as soon as we’ve got a firm answer.

      1. Stephen Stanley

        Did you get this settled?

        This is now buried pretty deep in your journal. How about emailing me direct with an update?


  4. I am a freelancer designer and an illustrator, and I may be interested in helping you out with your magazine layout. I am currently the Art Director for Belles & Beaus Magazine. Both my site and the site of the new magazine are currently in construction, but I would be happy to send you a digital portfolio.
    Also, the Shimmer Website is gorgeous!

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