SF Signal: MIND MELD: The Best Genre-Related Books/Films/Shows Consumed in 2008 (Part 1)

I participated in this week’s Mind Meld at SF Signal on The Best Genre-Related Books/Films/Shows Consumed in 2008

Q: What were the best genre-related books, movies and/or shows you consumed in 2008?
[We also added this note: They don’t have to have been released in 2008. Feel free to choose just some of the genres (sf/f/h) or a subset of the media (books/movies/shows) as you wish.]

I also hit a couple of short stories because, you know, I like those. Apparently the response was so overwhelming that they had to split it into two parts so make sure you check back tomorrow for Part II.

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3 thoughts on “SF Signal: MIND MELD: The Best Genre-Related Books/Films/Shows Consumed in 2008 (Part 1)”

  1. I liked reading what you had to say about the stories, and I very much agree with “Prophet of Flores”. Actually, “The Oracle Spoke” was another good one. I was so focused on the books that I think I missed a good opportunity to talk about some shorter work.

  2. Mary, I saw that you mentioned “The Prophet of Flores” in your MindMeld response. Thanks for the kind words about the story. 🙂 I’m glad you liked it.

    T. Kosmatka

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