Scenting the Dark: outstanding debut short story collection from Mary Robinette Kowal, exploring our relationship to technology and each other – Boing Boing

Scenting the DarkCory Doctorow, at Boing Boing, has given my short story collection a seriously amazing review.  Here’s the first paragraph.

Scenting the Dark,” Mary Robinette Kowal’s debut short story collection is slim and spare and eminently satisfying. Kowal writes science fiction that uses our relationship to technology to expose our relationships to one another. Kowal is one of science fiction’s most celebrated new writers, a winner of the Campbell Award for best new writer and a current Hugo nominee, all on the strength of her short fiction (she has two novels forthcoming from Tor), and it’s easy to see why.

via Scenting the Dark: outstanding debut short story collection from Mary Robinette Kowal.

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6 thoughts on “Scenting the Dark: outstanding debut short story collection from Mary Robinette Kowal, exploring our relationship to technology and each other – Boing Boing”

  1. Congratulations! What an excellent review!


    Incidentally, I noticed that the two links in his review to your website don’t work. Thought you’d like to know in case you want to set up placeholders or redirects.


  2. Could he really say anything non-positive, honestly? And WOOT for November, it is now November which means the books will be shipping soon, yes yes yes? Which means I will have exciting mail to look forward to, yes yes? :DDDDD

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