Sale! “Goodhouse Keeping” to DAW anthology Courts of the Fey

Hurrah! I sold a story to the DAW anthology Courts of the Fey, edited by Russell Davis and Martin H. Greenburg.  Here’s a little bit about the anthology.

In the world of the faerie, there are two courts – the Seelie and the Unseelie. According to legend, the Seelie Court, also called The Blessed Ones, are those faeries representing light and goodness. They are the heroes, judges, and they serve the Queen of Air & Light. The Unseelie Court is the opposite: dark, malign, and often evil. They are the riders in the dark clouds of a storm, travelers on the night winds. In COURTS OF THE FEY, talented authors will tell brand new stories of happenings in the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, from the highest of royals to the lowest of rogues.

Clearly, I am delighted by this!

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12 thoughts on “Sale! “Goodhouse Keeping” to DAW anthology Courts of the Fey”

  1. Congratulations!

    I’ve loved DAW for a long time, primarily ’cause they’ve published my favorite author’s books–C. J. Cherryh.

    Now, I have another reason to love them 🙂

  2. *falls over* YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *fist pumps MADLY* FINALLY FINALLY OH MY GODDDDD!!!!

      1. …Oh. Will that story be completely scrapped? I loved it. You know, I even have a doll who took on the character of Cassie…she does not look a great deal like Cassie (except in dress preference) but does “act” like her and the basic backstory is essentially the same. It is my hope that we’ll meet one of these days (I plan to attend Dragoncon this year now that I live in the Atlanta area) and I can show her to you…

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