Rose Parade = Bad Yard Sale Day

Rob and mePortland has an old tradition of the Rose Festival and the Rose parade. Part of the Rose Parade tradition is that it always rains on the day of the parade. So, what day did we pick for our yard sale? Parade Day! We’ve had some customers, but not as many as we would like. The weather feels like November.

And with an hour left in the yard sale, we still have the cyclops head.

Edited to Add: Evan Nichols stopped by and took this photo of us. Note the grey and Novembery weather.

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9 thoughts on “Rose Parade = Bad Yard Sale Day”

  1. I cannot tell you how tempted I was to Photoshop Rob out of this picture and say that nobody but you could see him. Weird what we find amusing, isn’t it? Someone I know is greatly amused by beaver costumes…

    Sorry about the unfortunate timing on the Sale. I’m thrilled with my acquisitions!

  2. I had hoped to get over there this morning, but Dave fell into resume distribution mode and I couldn’t quite convince him that we might find useful things to replace the less-than-useful things left behind by our tenants. (We will be selling & then freecycling our own less-than-useful things in a few weeks.)

    Sorry I’m no help with the cyclops head. I have enough issues with my samurai head, even though it is somewhat smaller.

  3. Gee, sorry I missed my chance to just drive by and see these unusual items out front on busy 15th avenue. I wonder how many kids on the #8 bus spotted the cyclops…uhm… mommy..? Too bad about the weather. I think I’m going to light a fire in the fireplace…

    Oh, and thanks for the fine picture Evan!

  4. Evan: Thanks for stopping by and thanks too for the photo.

    Robin: But we have spring-form pans! And he missed out on a hand-hammered steel wok.

    -e-: It looks like the cyclops will have a home in your garage after all. Although, Rob and I are discussing doing another sale tomorrow. Traffic was low enough that we still have enough to justify it. Some of the things I thought would sell, didn’t. Like the Gorham silver tea tray–granted, it’s silver-plate, but still.

  5. Another sale tomorrow sounds like a good idea if the weather clears up. Today was far too miserable, but tomorrow is supposed to be only mildly miserable…

    a seasoned hand hammered wok, eh?

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