Rob is employed!

I haven’t made a lot of noise about this but one of the things that’s been hard for us over the past year has been the bizarrely difficult time Rob has had finding a job. Some of this is circumstantial; we arrived right before the writers’ strike started and Rob works in film and television.

He’s had some gigs through the year, but nothing that lasted more than a couple of weeks. The perils of freelancing, you know?

Last week, he started working as the assistant winemaker at City Winery. Remember that film and television thing? Yeah, well, he has a completely separate career as a wine maker. We both find it ironic that he left his wine-making job in Oregon to come to New York and will be doing the same job here as there.

We are much relieved. In particular because I’ve had to take every job that came my way. This means I can turn things down occasionally.

It also means that I lose my house-husband and, after a year, I’m a little spoiled.

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12 thoughts on “Rob is employed!”

  1. That looks like a neat place to work. I like that a person can make their own wine. I don’t drink wine but, if I did, I would want to try something like that.

    Congrats to Rob!

  2. That’s great news- it’s always tough when someone is unemployed. Congratulations Rob- that sounds
    like a fantastic job!

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