Review of SHADES OF MILK AND HONEY at A Dribble of Ink

Aidan Moher at Dribble of Ink has a very nice review of Shades of Milk and Honey.  One thing that pleases me is that he points out that this is not a typical fantasy novel.  I think some people have been surprised by the structure of it, since it does hew more closely to Jane Austen than to a classic quest structure.

In the end, it’s the story of a girl navigating her way through a stuffy society and a love triangle formed by three very different bachelors. Will it appeal to all Fantasy readers? Unlikely. Will it appeal to most Fantasy readers? Also no. Will it appeal to those looking for something unusual in the genre, those looking for an easy, charming read amongst the sea of fireballs, gritty warfare and morally grey characters flooding the genre? Absolutely. Kowal is best known for her short fiction, but Shades of Milk and Honey shows that she has what it takes to produce beautiful fiction no matter the length. It’s the perfect rainy-day novel and, though Jane’s story has been told, I cannot wait to see what else Kowal has up her sleeve.

Read the full review of SHADES OF MILK AND HONEY at A Dribble of Ink.

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