I decided to replace the “I am reading” section of my sidebar with “Recommended Reading.” Why? Well, these days, I’m reading really slowly because I almost never have time to sit down with a book. Plus, since it’s gift-giving season, I figured that I’d point out books that I’ve enjoyed. So, it’ll randomly show books that I think are worth reading.
Meanwhile, if you are looking for books for a reader in your life, may I recommend these as my top picks?
- AlphaOops: The Day Z Went First
, by New-York Times Best-Selling author, Alethea Kontis. In my brother’s paraphrased words, “That was my favorite book to read to my daughter. Wow!”
- Strongbow
by Judson Roberts. I passed this to my nephew after I finished reading it. His first question upon finishing it? “When does the next book come out?”
- Born To Trot
one was one of my favorites growing up.
Good heavens. If you know a kid who likes horses, this is the right book. - Try Prime Codex
Yeah, I’m in it, but I wouldn’t recommend it if I didn’t think that the rest of the stories are really, really good.
- The Lies of Locke Lamora
by Scott Lynch would be my pick. (I might change my mind when I finish The Secret Life of Moscow.)
For the early reader in your life
For the YA reader
For the YA reader suffering through a horse fixation
Want an anthology of short fantastic fiction?
How about a novel?
Now… I’ve recommended some books for you. I want some books to add to my Christmas wishlist. Your suggestions, please?
I *loved* The Secret Life of Moscow; hope you like it too!
I’m only one chapter into it, but I adore it thus far.
Been reading very slowly this year, but some I liked:
Softspoken – Lucius Shepard:
more literary fantasy, probably not everyone’s cuppa. Gothic, brooding, moody, almost claustrophobic in intensity.
Sanie’s been forced to move with her hsuband, to his family home and crazy family.
She’s a writer, suffering from writer’s block, and increasingly she and her husband have glitches of communication and a ghost is following her around the house.
Goblin Quest – Jim Hines:
fantasy comedy, for people who love an underdog story.
(wel, I didn’t say any of my reads are precisely new:))
The Iron Dragon’s Daughter – Michael Swanwick:
not finished yet, and it does have some flaws, and is also very definitely adult, dark and pretty graphic at times, but awesome, awesome work. Incredible blur of our world and the fantastical.
For all my hiccups with it, it does deserve the praise people have given it. It’s a rare work in fantasy history.
Shimmer – The Pirate issue:
cause it’s almost like a one-shot/ antho, I’d recommend this to people who love piratey, entertaining stories and don’t have much time/ inclination to sit long hours with a book.
It really is quite a good issue, and very enjoyable.
heh, of course you would have read the Pirate issue, but maybe some passing person hasn’t:)
Well, I appreciate the plug anyway. I’ve linked to your recommendations and added them to my wishlist.
Did you finish reading Un Lun Dun? I love China Mieville.
For YA, I like the Scott Westerfeld book series – both the one that starts with Uglies, and the one that starts with Peeps.
I just re-read Hound of the Baskervilles, and it’s held up quite well. 🙂
Patti, I got three pages into it, went into tech week and it had to go back to the library before I could get to it again. Sadness.
I want to try Scott Westerfeld to preview for my niece. Which one would you recommend I start with?