Realms cover – And here’s how it ended up…

Realms AnthologyI thought you might be curious to know how it ended up…

Neil says:

The three covers in the poll were presented in chronological order and represent a sampling of our favorites. During the 24 hour period prior to the poll, there was a lot of discussion about color, framing, fonts, and such. I have to admit to being a bit of a troublemaker. As reflected in the poll, there was a lot of support for cover #1. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get past the portal-effect the framing had on the art I had selected, so we pressed onward.

REALMS is now available for preorder at the Wyrm Publishing website and should be listed at Amazon and (hopefully) other bookstores within the next few weeks.

In appreciation for all the input I received, for the next week, I’m running a special 30% off promotion on preorders for this book.

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10 thoughts on “Realms cover – And here’s how it ended up…”

  1. He’d have to be in France, wouldn’t he. If he was local, I’d try and drag him to Arisia in January.

    BTW, you should go if you like conventions. It’s a great con.

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