Readers Wanted: Ring Road

This is a 4400 word horror story with some adult situations.  I’d like to ask for readers before sending it out.

It’s in password protected post so drop me a line and I’ll tell you what the new password is.

Echoes and steam swirled around Nanna, merging with warm water and easing the ache in her limbs. The slick black marble walls dripped with the same sweat that crept down her face. She closed her eyes, sighing, and slid lower on the bench until the water lapped the underside of her chin. Carved into an amorphous oblong, the black granite bench had the lines of a sensual modern sculpture. Flecks of mica sparked under the water like stars had been trapped in the bench. For the sophisticated details like this, Lauger, of all the spas in Reykjavik, was her favorite; she came here every time she flew home.

She opened her eyes and caught Eric in the act of looking away from her. Smiling privately, Nanna sat up, stretching to draw her boyfriend’s gaze to her. “So. Are you enjoying the spa?” She kept her voice low to match the tone of the room.

“Oh, my god. I may never move again.” Eric ran a hand up her leg stopping just above her knee.

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4 thoughts on “Readers Wanted: Ring Road”

  1. What does one have to do to become a reader? Does it involve giving a critique of the work or just an opinion? Either way I’ll have a go if you like. Sounds like a bit of fun.

    1. All you have to do is be willing to read it and let me know how you react to it as a reader. I particular look for things that confuse you, bore you or that you just plain don’t believe. Things that are also nifty are good to know about so I don’t accidentally cut them.

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