Pre-order signed, personalized copies of GHOST TALKERS at Volumes Bookcafe

Writing @volumesbooks today. That's part of a new novel right there.My local independent bookstore is Volumes Bookcafe. I have spent many happy hours writing there while sipping a coffee, or cider. Or wine. That’s right, it’s a bookstore with coffee and wine. It is perfect.

They are also walking distance from my apartment and thus… if you order a copy of Ghost Talkers, I can just wander in and personalize it for you. So if you can’t make it to the launch party on August 16th, you can still get a signed and personalized copy.

And then I can sit down and write. It’s perfect for both of us, don’t you think?


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2 thoughts on “Pre-order signed, personalized copies of GHOST TALKERS at Volumes Bookcafe”

  1. So if I’m not going to be able to make it to the book release party (having selfishly decided to spend my birthday with family) how can I get a personalized copy? I order one from Volumes and then…?

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