PawSense helps you catproof your computer.

This is… I’m a little baffled that someone actually made a program to catproof your computer.

When cats walk or climb on your keyboard, they can enter random commands and data, damage your files, and even crash your computer. This can happen whether you are near the computer or have suddenly been called away from it.

PawSense is a software utility that helps protect your computer from cats. It quickly detects and blocks cat typing, and also helps train your cat to stay off the computer keyboard.

My favorite quote from the website, “Most cats dislike the harmonica.”

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6 thoughts on “PawSense helps you catproof your computer.”

  1. I clicked on the harmonica link, and I almost ran and hid under the couch. They should say “Most cats dislike the harmonica being played badly.”

    And I’d also note that the software won’t protect you if your cat knows how to type…

  2. Wow. Maybe ‘cat’ is the new-age euphamism for ‘kids’. If it weren’t for harmonica thingie, I’d be tempted to buy it. I hate it when little fingers close down my web pages before I’ve finished reading them.

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