Packing the china

Today we spent more time clearing the basement. I baked some more bread–the raisin bread lasted all of fifteen minutes–for sandwiches. I realized that I’m into baking right now because it’s easily controllable and, since I’m following a recipe, I don’t have to make any choices to create something.

Rob pulled some wooden wine crates out of the basement and lo! they are perfect for packing china. So, I sat down on the kitchen floor and wrapped newspaper around china until my hands were black with ink. As I finished each crate, Rob would nail the lids shut. Honestly, you’d think we were getting ready to hop into a covered wagon rather than a moving van.

Somehow, packing the china made it sink in that yes, we are actually going. We are moving. I will not be hosting any more dinner parties in Portland. It is strange and finally real.

Anyone want some cookies? I feel like baking something.

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7 thoughts on “Packing the china”

  1. I’d love some cookies! Calorie-free, with lots of chocolate chips and gooy stuff in the middle mm-mmm-mmm.

    I worked out for an hour today and had potato chips to celebrate. Baby steps, it’s all about the baby steps…:)

    Congratulations on the move, and hopefully everything goes nice and smoothly.

  2. Wait once. Three bags full of home made ‘diet rite’ oatmeal cookies (sometimes refered to as ‘colon busters’) are in the mail on their way to Portland.

  3. Wordly: Got a recipe for those calory free chocolate chip cookies?

    Aimeee: Next party, I’ll have cookies.

    MomK: In fact the box arrived yesterday. Thanks!

    Fabulous Girl: But of course!

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