Other Hand Productions is down

Well. If you usually use my ohp address to contact me, you might have noticed that I’ve been silent for a while. edatarack.com has taken my company website offline without telling me. I don’t know how long it’s been down because I don’t go look at it every day and the email normally forwards into another account. Needless to say, I am frustrated and angry.

Update: I wrote to the billing department and got this response.

Your account no longer pinged to our network and your account expiration date was 9-21-06. The account was removed from our server due to 1-week of consistent network inactivity.

I don’t know what they mean that it no longer pinged to their network. It’s still got edatarack listed as the nameservers. And it apparently went away weeks before the end date. What’s up with that? I wrote to ask.

What do you mean it no longer pinged to your network? I hadn’t moved it. Whois still shows edatarack as the name servers. When was it removed?

edatarack wrote back:

I really could not say.

And yes. That is the entirity of the message. My jaw dropped when I read it. I mean, it’s so blatantly rude and don’t give a shit. If they had any hope of keeping my business, they just lost it.

I’ve written back, but don’t expect a civil answer:

Excuse me? You wrote “Your account no longer pinged to our network and your account expiration date was 9-21-06. The account was removed from our server due to 1-week of consistent network inactivity.”

I would like that to be clarified. I do not understand “pinged.”

When was it removed?

Update: I have moved the website to bluehost and email is working again. It may take twenty-four hours for the website to show up in your neck of the woods.

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4 thoughts on “Other Hand Productions is down”

  1. It’s been down at least since Tuesday as I was looking to show a friend some of your webwork. I thougth you were just doing some updating. Very frustrating.
    Caio… or whatever they say in Icelandic
    (Sorry about Magni not winning SuperNova, ALERT gratuitous Icelandic pop culture reference)

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