Oh look. It’s still dark out.

The problem with only needing six hours of sleep is that when I go to bed early, I wake up while it’s still dark. 3:30 is a time that should only come once per day, if you ask me. My body looks at the dark outside, and the time and decides that it’s still tired. My brain is like, “Nope. Up now.”

So I will just stand here and yawn at the computer.

As you can see, I still have my tonsils.

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4 thoughts on “Oh look. It’s still dark out.”

  1. I hear you. Save for the six hours part. More like four around here, although I have been moderately successful with a cat-assisted nap after lunch. Of course, that may also be lunch-assisted.

  2. I think I may have found your other hours of sleep. They keep residing over here, where even in college I got ten hours a night because any less would leave me nasty all day. But now I have two kids, so I don’t have time to need this much sleep. Can I post two or three a night to you?

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