Off to Surrey International Writers Conference without my computer

I’m heading off to the Surrey International Writers Conference in Surrey B.C. today. Well… actually, first I’m going to Portland, OR and then Seattle, and THEN Surrey, but the SiWC is my real reason for going. It is one of my favorite conferences, ever, in part because the focus is on single presenters giving workshops or lectures, which allows them to get into so much more depth about a topic. It is pretty much the only conference I go to where I don’t wind up skipping programming.

Highly recommended. Registration is still open.

I am also, for the first time in years, travelling without a computer. My keyboard died yesterday. It had been having intermittent trouble for a couple of weeks, which I had been hoping was due to debris under the keys. Then hoping was a driver issue. Last night, ASUS’s technical support decided that it was a hardware issue and is paying for me to ship it to them, where they will repair it at no charge, and then send it back to me. Although I’m annoyed about the keyboard, I’m a big fan of ASUS at the moment because of how easy they are making this.

BUT that means that I am without a computer during the interim. I’m going to try going old school and writing in Moleskins while I’m away. With a pen! I know. There’s a fair chance, I will break down and buy an inexpensive netbook when I get to Portland, but we’ll see how long I last.

What this means is that my posting will be very, very scanty. It also means that I will be slow to respond to emails. I’ll have my phone, so I’ll still be connected, but it’s not quite the same.

I have to tell you that I’m already a little twitchy.


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