11 thoughts on “Now with editible comments”

  1. “editible” is a funny word. I keep wanting to read it as edible. Not really sure where my mind wants to take me, here…

    Now for one of these for LJ.

  2. Isn’t it better to not make mistrakes in the first place?
    Wow! It works!
    I’m glad it gives a time limit.
    I wish it let you completely remove the comment.

  3. Actually, I was unable to edit my comment’s typo (see “sdible” above) The clock started running, but the whole screen went gray and wouldn’t let me do anything.

    on other notes, I am devastated that we somehow missed “Talk like a pirate day” at the -c- household… I only discovered it after putting the kids to bed… Aarr! Enjoyin’ readin’ the filtered posts though!

    1. Hm… How odd about the editing thing. I wonder if it’s a mac issue.

      You haven’t missed Talk Like A Pirate Day! It’s today, so you can still talk like a pirate when the kids get home tonight.

      1. AH! Thanks for the good news… Rebecca is appropriately dressed (including taking out her little pearls and putting in one gold hoop earring) so she can introduce her 3rd grade class to the notion o’ th’ day!

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