Nothing to write home about

Dad emailed me today to ask if I were dead, because I hadn’t blogged in awhile.  Well, actually, he just wanted to know if I were really busy.  The truth is that while I am busy, I’m working on stuff that’s not terribly interesting to write about.

Shall I blog about laundry? Or, the phpBB template we’re arguing with at the moment?

Actually, this week we did have Liz Gorinsky staying with us, which was great fun. She’s a lovely houseguest and left us with macaroons from Pix Patisserie.  I highly recommend the Scotch Whiskey one.

Pretty much everything else is about the cats, which while amusing… I dunno, I just don’t want to turn into one of those people who blogs about her cats all the time. Although watching Harriet fall off the back of the couch while sleeping is pretty darn funny.  I’ve got to get a webcam hooked up because it’s happened more than once now.

Right now? I’m making yogurt. Exciting. I know.

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14 thoughts on “Nothing to write home about”

  1. This is why I love my Twitter. I can just blather short bits and Twittinesis will collate it for me at the end of the day and post it to LJ. So if I didn’t feel like writing an entry, ta-da, built in content that proves my continued existence!

    It works, since often I don’t have too much to say about my life lately either. Boring.

  2. Pop wants to know: When
    Harriet falls off the back
    of the couch, does she fall
    on the soft cushion side, or
    the hard wood floor side?
    A matter of import.

    1. She falls off toward the wood side. It involves a very loud thump, a moment of Harriet looking confused and then either taking a bath or going to sleep on the floor as if that had been her plan all along.

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