Not a good use of time

Peeling wallpaperThe trouble with home improvements is that then you see all the other things that need doing that you could ignore before. The wallpaper in the guest room has always been bubbly. During the last year, while we were gone, it started actually peeling. I noticed this when I got home, but had so many other things to deal with that I went into la-la-la-I-can’t-see-you mode.

And then we got beautiful shiny new windows.

Wallpaper remnantsThe wallpaper became a problem. So, even though I have fifty jillion other things to do, I pulled it off the wall. Only one. I’m not totally crazed. I just peeled it off the wall with the windows, where it was coming down because of how little insulation the old windows provided.

Sanded wallThen I scraped the remaining paper off the wall and sanded it. It’s lovely. I’m priming it tonight and painting tomorrow. A good use of time? No. Satisfying? Oh yes. Very.

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2 thoughts on “Not a good use of time”

  1. What accent color are you going to paint that wall now, so that it doesn’t make the other three look worse

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