New Year’s Eve

timesquare2009Rob and I stay in and make sushi for New Year’s Eve instead of braving the madness. But today I had to be in midtown for a meeting and walked through Times Square en route to the subway.  For you, I paused and took a picture.

See that pole in more or less the top center of the photo? That’s what the drop the ball from apparently. It says “2009” at the base of it. Can you imagine traveling to NYC and standing in the cold with the wind and the snow to watch that tiny thing?  This is why television was invented. And hot toddies.

Tomorrow I’ll be snug at home enjoying the traditional black-eyed peas and collard greens, which are said to bring wealth and good fortune.  The good fortune is working, but I guess I gotta work on my greens recipe because the wealth is a little thin.

What are your plans?

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9 thoughts on “New Year’s Eve”

  1. My plans are similar to yours. I hate crowds, and Jack and I both hate firecrackers (which are legal here *sigh*), so we’ll be watching TV and enduring the sound of firecrackers. And Jack already has the black-eyed peas soaking! 🙂

  2. I have to work tomorrow so I will be staying in, and probably in bed before midnight.

    I’d much rather watch it on TV. And football, too. Basically anything where I’d have to sit, or stand, in the cold.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Staying in. Watching movies with the kid and wife. I may splurge during my detox and have a teeny-weeny bit of milk in my coffee. I deserve it.

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