New haircut

New haircutI got my hair cut last weekend and promised my parents pictures. I’ve been trying to find a stylist in the city with little success. Anyway, some months ago Rob’s mom sent me a link to a book called, Curly Girl: More Than Just Hair…It’s an Attitude by Lorraine Massey. I wasn’t much interested in the book, but it mentioned that she had a NYC salon, Devachan, which specialized in curly hair. It’s crazy expensive, but I was annoyed enough by the last couple of haircuts that I was willing to plunk down some change so that I didn’t look like a distressed mop at WorldCon.

New haircutTo say that I am astounded by the results doesn’t fully cover my glee with what seems like a new head of hair. Seriously. I mean. Look at the curls. Not frizz, not a mix of straight and curly hair, but actual defined curls. This is the hair I’ve always wanted. Everytime I pass a mirror I stare at it because I’m having a hard time believing that it’s behaving.

That’s not a result of product. It’s just the cut and their theory on how to wash and manage the hair. Basically, I’ve stopped using shampoo and just wash with water and conditioner. Then let it air dry. So easy. Stunned. I’m stunned.

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24 thoughts on “New haircut”

  1. Awesome! You look terrific! I decided a while back that it was worth to pay a gasp-worthy price for a quality haircut, because good hair is too vital a factor in the first impression that you make. You can drop a fortune on clothes or spend hours in the gym perfecting your body, but if you have sloppy hair that’s what people will focus on and remember.

  2. It looks good! I spend $14 dollars on my hair and it shows. To be honest, I don’t know if spending more would help. I thing my hair is beyond any help that cutting, or any kind of hair product, can provide.

  3. Looks terrific! The REAL Mary Robinette. Just remember
    as Lucy once told Linus, “People expect more of you when
    you have naturally cury hair!”

  4. It looks beautiful! My hair is a mess of curls; it took my equally curly hair-stylist sister to frisk away shampoo and force salon-grade conditioner on me. If you can, see if you can’t get the very good conditioners. They make all the difference.

  5. I have straight hair (due to my asian-ness), but they stands up like crazy when they are short. I have yet to find a way to tame it. I like the idea of managing hair.

    1. That was one of my realizations a few years ago. I said to my stylist, “I want my hair to look intentional,” and we started focusing on making what it did naturally look good, since it was going to do that anyway.

  6. About two years ago a friend with curly hair forwarded an article to me about an experiment done in the U.K.. Women were told to stop using shampoo for six weeks — just rince their hair with water as hot as they could stand once a day. Women with hair texture like ours (curly) did beautifully. No friz. Nice curls. Nice body. Women with straight hair had mixed results. I gave it a whirl and while at first my hair didn’t look so good, now it looks 100% better than it ever did. I use commercial shampoo and conditioner once a month and then use olive oil mixed with a few drops of rosemary and peppermint essential oils for leave-in conditioner. It’s much cheaper, and my hair isn’t dry. Now I only spend large cash on excellent hair cuts. 🙂

  7. That’s a great, great haircut. Ok, that does it. I’m going to do what Veronica’s been telling me to do for yonks and go to Devachan the next time I need a haircut. I got a haircut at my usual place today, and it’s just not quite . . . . It’s never quite. . . . I’ve got the same kind of hair you do–waves with a mind of their own.

    1. Your hair always looks lovely to me, but this haircut was a revelation to me. So… Do! Ask for Rick, who did my hair. I’m sure they are all good, but he’s got 30 years of experience and is fun to chat with, too.

  8. Now that, girlfriend, is some seriously cute hair!

    I wish I were going to WorldCon, boo-hoo. You’ll have a great time, now that the hair is right. I know that sounds silly, but it’s true! lol

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