Need WWI buffs to do a quick beta read

Normally when I write historical fantasy, I spend months researching. For reasons, I’ve only had time to do a preliminary layer and would like someone who knows their stuff to read this before I turn it in. I will warn you that it is the first chapter of a novel that I may never write.

And it ends on a little bit of cliffhanger. Sorry.

(Don’t worry, if I write the whole thing I’ll do my homework first.)

Use the comment form below, and I’ll email you the password and link. Due to the rather odd nature of this one, I’m being a little more selective than usual on the readers. Again, sorry.

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19 thoughts on “Need WWI buffs to do a quick beta read”

  1. Robert Killheffer

    Hey Mary, I’m something of a WWI buff. I’d be happy to read and comment.

  2. Happy to give it a go. WWI is about 2500 years after my specialty area, but I am a bit of a fan of the period, edited a book on the War in the Desert and the political fallout there after, and so have a reasonable knowledge of the period for a layman.

  3. I am a WWI geek and can help. More importantly, I have a LOT of WWI research in my digs. Wanna come cherry pick my reference material?

  4. Another WWI-interested woman who’d love to beta 🙂 Perhaps we’re just less “always-on” than the men in your stream?

  5. Ha, I have a lot of knowledge about WWI Naval Vessels. It’s very specific about armaments, battles, and tactics. I didn’t think it would be what you were looking for, but I thought I’d offer anyways.
    However it looks like you’ve got lots of useful people at your fingertips!

  6. If you still need readers, I can do it. My Grand father was in a transportation company in WWI (trench rail narrow gauge). Oddly enough I was assigned to the same company seventy five years later…

  7. If you still need readers – WWI buff generally, with a focus on the English war poets.

  8. Hello Mary!

    I am a fan of your work and I listen every week to Writing Excuses.

    I am a Bosnian Serb and a history buff so if you need some help from that particular angle I’d be more than happy to oblige.

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