My weekend was lovely. How was yours?

The weather has finally turned to summer here and it feel so good. I assembled our teak table and set it out in the courtyard yesterday. I had lunch outside and it was really lovely. All of our neighbors went by while I was out there and stopped to chat. Funny how just putting a table and chairs out there makes it feel much more like a yard and a community.

In the evening, I took one of the manual typewriters out and wrote a little. The glare was too strong for the laptop and somehow the typewriter felt more indulgent. I have to finish the story tomorrow since I won’t be lugging a typewriter to NYC and switching to computer will change the voice some.

Today I had lunch out there again. Then in the evening biked up to the Kennedy School to have dinner with Beth Wodzinski and Felicity Shoulders. It felt so good to be outside and have it be something other than cold and rainy.

This evening was my last gym session before heading off to NYC tomorrow. Things are much easier than they were when I went in last week. It always amazes me how quickly things come back. When I return from NYC I’ll keep going but at a somewhat saner pace.

Anyway, that was my weekend. How was yours?

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10 thoughts on “My weekend was lovely. How was yours?”

  1. I shared the sunny weather and the dinner with you, obviously, but other than that my weekend’s been very sociable in general. Two parties and a dinner. Making new friends and seeing old (and I do mean old: elementary school friends.) All in the haze of good spirits Portland induces when it chooses to show a little sun!

  2. I was in LA for the Meeting of the Minds, the annual conference for members of the Psychic Entertainers Association. I had a great time and learned a lot, but I’m very glad to be home after two months of near constant travel.

  3. Sunny weather… that’s no surprise for Southern California. Played some softball. That was fun. Went for a jog with my sister too.

  4. Spent the weekend helping friends create a community retreat space. Carpentry, weeding, and riding my motorcycle to and fro all under gorgeous skies… sounds like our weekends weren’t too dissimilar, building community by building something, and riding on two wheels….

    off-topic-ish: what’s the plugin you use for your social buttons?

  5. The weather has been in the low to mid 90’s every day since Thursday. The Riverbend Festival started Friday so I have been getting to bed after 1:00am every night. So far I’ve seen Sheryl Crow, Alison Krauss, The Waybacks, Joan Osborne, John Cowan, Spatial Effects, Slim Pickin’s, and Soul Rebels.
    In addition, Saturday was the Tyner High ‘50s class reunion. Our school was small enough that everyone that graduated between 1950 and 1959 shares the same class reunion. Porter and Francis Johnson came in from Chicago for the reunion and stayed with us until today. Our son and two of his children came down from Nashville and are staying here until Wednesday. Sunday was Cindy Pinion’s 50th birthday party and we went to that before Riverbend.
    I can’t figure out quickly how to make Riverbend become a link so here is the link:
    David Crawford of Spatial Effects did this song without a cheat sheet. I recommend you go watch this video.

  6. A nice ‘June-gloomy’ weekend, lazing with cats and Cordwainer Smith- who could ask for anything more?

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