My post audition process

I should probably explain a little bit about what happens after an audition. In fiction, when I submit a story I will eventually hear back from a market with either an acceptance or a rejection. With auditions, you only hear back if they want to invite you on to the next level.

So the thing I do when I walk out of an audition is to close the door behind me. As a metaphor, think of it as leaving things tidy so the flies don’t get in, flies being the “what ifs” that can buzz around in my brain.

I’m pretty clearly not moving on to the next round for the big horse, but that may or may not mean anything for the colt track.  There’s no way to tell and it’s too easy to go crazy waiting to hear.

So I try to close the door and move on. If it opens and I get to go back in, that is awesome.  Meanwhile, it’s nothing to fret about.

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1 thought on “My post audition process”

  1. Funny how you can get regular flies in your brain but only butterflies in your stomach. Probably a linguistic device to keep people from throwing up.

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