My Dad’s in the paper!

Dad plays the handsawThere’s an article in the paper about my Dad. What’s more exciting is that they did an online segment with video, so you can actually see Dad play the musical saw.

One of my favorite things is to get Dad to bring the saw out when company comes. I love the way jaws drop; people alternate between awe and laughter. I mean, it sounds like a soprano, but it’s a saw. And yes, he cuts with it.

Once, the North Carolina Symphony asked him to play with them, but they wanted a gimmick so people would believe that he was playing an actual handsaw. Dad walked out on stage, sat down on the bench that they’d given him and it wobbled. Badly. He frowned, then stood up, turned the bench on it’s side and sawed off one of the legs to shorten it.

Then he sat down and played with full symphonic accompaniment.

(Of course, they’d pre-trimmed the other legs and marked the one that he needed to trim.) Dad usually makes a couple of “tuning” sorts of sounds on the saw before he starts playing, not because it needs tuning, but so that people can get the giggles out of the way.

Ever seen anyone, besides my dad, play the saw?

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7 thoughts on “My Dad’s in the paper!”

  1. This is great. I especially liked the bit about how he used the saw to cut, then played it.

  2. Hi,

    The video of your Dad is great!

    The chair bit is an old Vaudeville bit used by most saw players in those shows.

    Once a year I organize saw players gatherings in NYC. If your Dad wants to participate, please tell him he could contact me through my website.

    So, you’re not following in your Dad’s footsteps as a saw player?…

    All the best,
    Saw Lady

  3. What a delight to see your dad play the saw again. Oh, and to hear it too…

    Big hugs to the music man

  4. Saw Lady: I’ve made a couple of abortive stabs at saw playing, but it hasn’t stuck yet. However, my husband and I are moving to NYC, so I’ll probably be able to entice Dad up for your saw player gathering.

    -e-: Did you show the kids?

  5. Saw Lady, I enjoyed visiting your site… you really do get a woman’s voice out of that sheet of metal. Incredible that you were once fined for carrying a weapon in the subway…!

    Mary, I’m hoping to see you at some point this weekend…P&M perhaps?

  6. Mary – that is so cool that you are moving to NYC! If you happen to run into me in the subway (I usually play at Times Square or Union Square) please don’t hesitate to stop and say ‘hi’.

    -e-: thank you for visiting my website!
    Yes, the NYC police is kind of tough on street performers sometimes… Traveling with a musical saw is sometimes an experience, too – I was stopped at the Prague air-port for 45 minutes on account of the saw… it was hard to convince them that I was on my way to a concert (the officers at the air-port were not familiar with the saw as a musical instrument…)

    All the best,
    Saw Lady

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