Modeling for the NY Times

That’s right folks, I just got back from a modeling session for the NY Times. Yep. Me, in a silk nightie on a sofa with a glass of wine. And a plunger affixed to my bosom. Look for me in next week’s paper.

Or rather look for the illustration that my talented friend, David Chelsea, is doing for the Modern Love column next week. A column that I, otherwise, have absolutely nothing to do with. David needed a model for his illustration and I live close to them. Also, I can balance a plunger on my bosom.

I promise that the plunger will make sense when you read the article.

My total payment? A glass of wine and a jar of pickles. Yes, I’m making the big bucks now. Seriously, his wife, -e-, makes really good homemade pickles. I’ll post a link to the article when it’s online so you can see the illustration.

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12 thoughts on “Modeling for the NY Times”

  1. This has to be one of the most fascinating evocative blogs on the internet!
    Mary at her computer with her bear head on…
    Mary riding her bicycle adorned with a Christmas tree…
    Mary who can’t do a conventional whistle, but can sound like a teapot whistle with a good wind up…
    Mary who makes monkeys and bears and weird plants…
    Mary who write novels and short stories of every genre and does it so successfully…
    Mary, whose father plays the saw, and beautifully…(The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree)
    Mary who make little video productions of all sorts and does fund raisers…
    Mary the puppeteer extraordinaire…
    I could go on…and on.
    And now, Mary who sips wine and can balance a plunger on her bosom!
    Dear Heavens! When do you sleep?
    Would you please do a time management class next? I am 67 years old and really need help.
    I truly believe that if Mr. Spock visited Earth and happened to see your blog, he would stick around just to investigate this interesting human, all the while stroking his pointy ears, exclaiming, “Fascinating!”

  2. PBI: Time management? Ha! You’re seeing the results of balanced procrastination. Each activity is something that allows me to avoid doing what I should really be doing.

    Evan: -e- is from NYC originally; that’s how she knows what models are paid.

    Grant: Absolutely!

  3. still confused about the plunger … but that might be the effects of the altitude. (I’m in New Mexico.)

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