Make a suggestion. What should be out the window in this drawing?


What you have here is a drawing that I did on my new tablet. It’s actually been a really long time since I’ve drawn. I mean I was an art major, back in the day, but that was 25 years ago. But this new tablet, see, it has a touch sensitive stylus. So… I started doodling and now I have this thing.

My question for you is, what is outside the window?

Also? This entire blog post is written by voice. Kind of neat, huh? I so love living in the future.

Anyway, make suggestions on what should be outside the window. I’ll pick one and draw it.

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62 thoughts on “Make a suggestion. What should be out the window in this drawing?”

  1. Dwarf children building dwarven snowmen. I’m not sure what, exactly, a makes a snowman definitively dwarven, but I’m sure there’s something.

  2. The more I look at that space the more I see a giant mushroom orchard, although I suspect that’s due to hunger more than any overriding artistic merit. Beyond that: tucking the beard into the scarf is a great detail.

  3. An Earth-like planet set in a field of stars. Is he departing a beloved home? Approaching a new, unknown world of risk and possibility? Who can say?

  4. A neglected graveyard, ivy, crumbling headstones, all that. I don’t entirely know why, but he looks sad to me.

    Also, voice thing. Did you use any particular software? I’ve tried the default Microsoft one and it pains me so I’m looking for a replacement.

  5. The window is a metaphor.

    (Sorry, I blame the “How to Tell if You’re in a MFA Workshop” link you posted the other day)

    More seriously, the fellow strikes me as a monk (the robes are what convey it), whereas his features strike me as fairly germanic. Therefore, I’d imagine that this is some northern religious fellow (perhaps even the venerable Bede himself) looking out the window as he contemplates the contemplative life. Thus, the scene he’d be looking out at is likely one of Middle Age agriculture, perhaps the Brothers tending to the monastery gardens. In contrast, if a monastic scholar, there is always the possibility of the “dream scene,” where he’s looking out at the subject matter that he is writing about (in Bede’s case, a continuation of Roman history and a record of the pagan traditions that were dying out).

  6. Look at the look in his eyes. He is looking at the girl he overlooked when he was young and vital, wishing he had been smarter in his choices.

    1. A teenage girl sitting under a tree is sharpening a scythe with a whetstone. She glances back to see several figures coming over the hill behind her.

  7. He’s bundled up and looks a little longing. I think he’s looking at the train to anywhere else that he never had the courage to get on

  8. He’s a dwarf looking in the direction of a distant mountain seen only in his mind’s eye, where his home and family lie, remembering a time long ago before undertaking the quest he felt obligated to pursue.

  9. His neighbors are all packing up to move to higher ground. He doesn’t believe the forecasts, but he’s beginning to wonder if it would be better to move now than be left behind.

  10. A shark jumping out of the water to take a snap at a bird, who is losing more than a few feathers in panic.

  11. I must be feeling morbid today because my first thought was a small yard with a gravestone that says “Beloved Wife.”

  12. Dwarven children rollicking in the snow or on the docks by a big ship. None of the children are his, but he still lives at the harbor, remembering his traveling days.

  13. A worn path coming out of some woods, with a loved one walking toward him, but still a long way off. The ground’s snow covered, I think.

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