Lucky drycleaning

A butterfly on my computer bagI went to pick up my dry cleaning. As I was standing there, a butterfly flew in and landed on my computer bag. It sat there, fanning its wings as if it were the most natural thing in the world. I froze, afraid to scare it.

“Look!” I caught the drycleaning lady’s eye. “A butterfly. On my bag”

She looked at me like I was daft, but leaned over the counter. Her eyes widened and her mouth formed a silent oh. She crept around the counter, beckoning to one of the other workers. We all stood there, staring at the butterfly–which looks just brown in the photo, but had brilliant orange spots whenever it opened its wings–as if we were watching a miracle. Which, I guess, when you come down to it, we were.

The drycleaning lady said, “I can’t remember when I saw a butterfly last. It’s been years. Years.”

Under our attention, the butterfly preened and showed us teasing glimpses of its orange spots. Finally, since it didn’t seem to have any intention of leaving, I picked up my cleaning and left. The butterfly rode out on my bag. Not until I reached our corner did it fly away.

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5 thoughts on “Lucky drycleaning”

  1. Hooray for butterflies! We’ve been seeing a few around here, too, now that the neighbors’ flower gardens are in full bloom.

  2. Perhaps your butterfly is a portent of something wonderful about to happen, or a sign that you are a favored one.

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