Look! Schadenfreude and trucks!

Surprise! We were comfortable with the things we were going to have to leave behind because of space. What we did not anticipate was the weight of what we did manage to get into the truck.

We have bottomed out the suspension. Totally. The truck is so overweight that after A LOT of thought, we are going to switch to a larger truck. It’s that or risk breaking an axle in the Rockies. I’d much rather swap trucks here on a shady street.

This won’t throw off our arrival date, because we had some slop built into our schedule, but it will change the rest of the trip since we probably won’t leave until tomorrow.

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3 thoughts on “Look! Schadenfreude and trucks!”

  1. Woke at four a.m. this morning,(seven a.m. Portland) and began praying for your safe journey, and here you weren’t even out of town yet! Goodness.

  2. Bon voyage, Mary. I hope you have a wonderful trip!

    And I am so glad your cat returned safely. Personally, I worry about my pets more than my own children, I think.

    I am impressed that you’re traveling with your cats across the country. Mine seemed to barely make it up the interstate.

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