Leisurely Saturday

Yesterday the weather was bright and clear, today it’s back to its normal fall overcast. The overcast here is different from Portland, though we have the same silvery light, the clouds change constantly in the sky. Usually, there is a patch of blue somewhere.

I went walking through downtown today, to pick up my new coat, and ran into two people I know. It seems as if I always bump into someone I know while I’m out and about. I enjoy having that moment of contact.

Last night a group of us went down to Postbarrin Ehf to see Sam Paden’s art show. The lights were too dim, so no one could actually see the paintings which frustrated the folks who hadn’t seen any before. I’m still quite tempted by them and I’m going to try to save my per diem next week so I can buy one.

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2 thoughts on “Leisurely Saturday”

  1. New coat? What new coat? Is it something sweeping and romantic of boiled nordic wool? Is boiled wool capable of sweeping? Probably not.

    Any good hats?


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