Lazy Town: From Director’s Vision to Commercial Reality

Julie, Bessie and meAvid UK has a number of small documentaries about Lazytown on their website. You get to see behind the scenes footage, including me! My face isn’t visible, since it’s pressed into one of the puppet’s backsides, but you can see the operating position that we work in. I was able to grab a screen shot so I can tell you who to look for in the video. This was from “The Workflow.”

I’m the person in the middle, doing the live hands. Julie is operating the head and body, and Emily is crouching behind us doing the eye mechanism. Please note: This is a comfortable position as such things go.

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4 thoughts on “Lazy Town: From Director’s Vision to Commercial Reality”

  1. thats really intersting to see, i’m use to old hand up the back of the head foam puppet kind of dealies.

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