Last day to apply for Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop

Reminder: Today is the last day to apply to Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop.

Launch Pad is a free, NASA-funded workshop for established writers held in beautiful high-altitude Laramie, Wyoming. Launch Pad aims to provide a “crash course” for twelve attendees in modern astronomy science through workshops, guest lectures, and observation through the University of Wyoming’s two large telescopes.

Launchpad 2009’s guest instructor is writer and amateur astronomer Joe Haldeman. Other lecturers include University of Wyoming professors Michael S. Brotherton, PhD, Jim Verley, PhD. Phil Plait of Bad Astronomy will also be in residence.

Go to Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop: Improving Science Literacy Through Words and Media for more information about applying. I went last year and it was amazing.

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3 thoughts on “Last day to apply for Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop”

  1. I applied. And Iiberally dropped your name, like I dod everywhere. 🙂

    I do hope I get in. Your experience sounds like it was just amazing and lord knows I could use the science to back up my fiction.

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