Ladysmith Black Mambazo and Kermit

This is one of my favorite Sesame Street videos. The song totally sticks in my head.

Plus, at 1.01, if you watch the lower right corner of the screen, Jim Henson’s head flashes for a moment. First time I’ve seen that.

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9 thoughts on “Ladysmith Black Mambazo and Kermit”

    1. Part of my job at LT was to watch the bottom of the monitors for puppeteers’ heads, so I am attuned. It’s not his whole head, just the top of his hair. It’s on screen for two seconds and looks like a gray rock pops up, bounces with the music and then down again. Look to the right of the rock that is on screen already and it shows up there.

      1. Sadly, I just can’t see it. I watched five more times and, even with your ‘heads up’, I still couldn’t see it. You must be right about the ‘attunement’…

  1. AHA! not easy, but I did spot it… sort of like a shadow bouncing directly in front of Kermit’s tummy as he exits the right edge of the screen.

    Despite this obviously distracting, catastrophic error, a lovely muppet bit, indeed.

  2. That’s Ladysmith Black Mambazo! I love that they did a Sesame Street video, I had no idea! Have you heard much of their stuff? I expect you have, but if not I also expect you’d adore it. I have an album called The Ultimate Collection, but I think it’s a UK release… my favourite song is Halala South Africa (which means Congratulations South Africa, I think, and is a celebration of freedom from Apartheid).

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