Key Lime Pie and Jazz

Jazz at Jonathan'sWe were invited over to Jonathan Judge’s place to listen to jazz on his front stoop. Every year, his neighborhood association brings the Jazz Mobile in to play. They’ve got a bandstand on wagon that they haul around to different venues. It was a lot of fun and a much needed break.

Jonathan provided sushi. Rob and I brought dessert. My contribution consisted of finding Cherie Priest’s Key Lime Pie recipe which Rob made while I worked. Everyone exclaimed over the pie and three different people proclaimed that it was better than this Key Lime Pie store in Red Hook.

Curiously, people kept complimenting me on the pie, even though I kept explaining that Rob had made it.

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6 thoughts on “Key Lime Pie and Jazz”

  1. Good great. That’s my key lime pie recipe. And it is yummy.

    I’ll have to remember this; telling people the recipe is from Cherie Priest, who would know about Key Lime Pie, is a lot more interesting and convincing than saying, “I’m from Idaho, and boy do I know Key Lime Pie…”

    It sounds like a great evening. That’s fabulous.

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