Just 2000 more words

Gah. So, see that story over in the side bar? “The Bride Replete?” I keep thinking that I’m about 2000 words from the end of the story. And I’ve been thinking that since about word 4000. I’m at 11,664 and still think that I just need about 2000 words to wrap it up.

I know, I know, I can cut later, but gah–I just want the story to be finished. I’m usually pretty good at deciding what length I want a story to be and hitting that length, but this one…this one is kicking my hiney.

Have you ever had one of these monsters?

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5 thoughts on “Just 2000 more words”

  1. Every short story I write lately–usually for anthologies with firm maximum word count–the story wants desperately to become a novel. I have enough of them lined up to keep me writing for 5 years. What I need is short stuff to give me immediate cash flow. But no. The story wants to become a 200,000 word novel!

  2. I have been noticing the full progress bar on the left of the screen, and hoping for a chance to read the finished story, (I found the part you posted previously riveting). 146% finished did seem curious…

  3. Irene: I’m glad I’m not the only one who has this problem.

    -e- : I will send you the story as soon as I actually finish it. Having 146% of my wordcount goal is just annoying at this point.

  4. Yup.

    I was shooting for 15,000 and watched in mounting horror as it grew to nearly 25,000.

    It did sell, though…

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