Jay Lake’s Green

I had the strangest experience while reading Jay Lake’s Green. I kept feeling like I’d read it before while absolutely knowing I hadn’t. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing derivative about the story and the plot turned in ways that surprised me. What it felt like was that this was a book that I’d read and loved, but so long ago that I’d completely forgotten it. I finally realized that it was because the character Green was so real and vivid to me that I recognized her the way I’d recognize a friend.

You know how you meet someone and feel like you’ve always known them. I had exactly that experience with this book.

This is seriously good first person writing from word one. I adored Green the character and loved Green the novel. I highly, highly recommend this book, particularly if you’re looking for a strong female protagonist.

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6 thoughts on “Jay Lake’s Green”

  1. I still haven’t read any of Jay’s novels (I know – I’m a bad con acquaintance! There should be a word for that… conquaintance?) but I have Trial of Flowers on my shelf. Perhaps I’ll read it once I finish Money. (Because Martin Amis to Jay Lake is just natural progression, right?)

    Incidentally, when can I buy your book? Will it have a UK release, or will I have to organise a trip trip to New York to obtain a first edition? 🙂

    1. Trial of Flowers is a radically different type of book. Both are good, but very, very different.

      Incidentally, when can I buy your book?

      Shades of Milk and Honey comes out in Spring 2010

      Will it have a UK release, or will I have to organise a trip trip to New York to obtain a first edition?

      Wow. I have no idea.

  2. Though I have not read GREEN, I wonder if
    the ‘strong female protagonist’ reminded you
    of your very self Mary, and that is why it
    seemed she was so very familiar to you.

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