9 thoughts on “It’s time to play the music…”

      1. What better way to learn something than to see it explode?

        Of course, he couldn’t say any words. I guess that could be a problem. Oh well, he’s still fun.

  1. I loved that a lot. We just saw Cirque Dreams with Ellen’s 17 year old nephew. The acts were great, the music stunk, stunk, stunk big time. This was a true antidote to BAD pop music.

    Plus, Beaker.

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love it! Beaker was my favorite muppet, followed closely by the Swedish Chef. Bork! Bork! Bork!

    (Oy, I’m too easily amused.)

  3. Well, let’s just say it wasn’t to my taste. Unless you’re thinking of Cirque de Soleil, which this wasn’t. It was a kind of Cirque de Soleil lite, at the Broadway Theatre, with everything taking place on stage. There were full-body puppets (I was particularly fond of the emus) and contortionists from Mongolia and some balancing guys and twirling geometry. I love European-style circuses.

    Just wondering. Why doesn’t my icon appear? It’s not that I don’t like the thoughtful young man who appear by my posts, I’m just curious.

  4. The Habanera! Yeah! My favorite opera and muppets combined. 😀

    L’amour est un oiseau rebelle que nul ne peut apprivoiser…

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