In which I receive good news and swoon.

I suppose that I should be reporting that we made it safely to Chattanooga, which we did.


This email was much more exciting.

I’m contacting you to inform you that Rich Horton has selected one of your stories, “For Solo Cello, Op. 12,” for Science Fiction: The Best of the Year, scheduled for February release.

To which I can only say, “Merry Christmas!” and then laugh and dance.

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39 thoughts on “In which I receive good news and swoon.”

  1. Mary, Take a bow! What a terrific acknowledgment for your talent. Congratulations. And -e-, Where is yours? Your Great American Novel must be up there on the third floor somewhere, isn’t it? Don’t be so modest!

  2. Hooray and Congratulations! What fabulous news to receive! (It’s going to be hard for anyone to top a present like that this year, isn’t it?) Have a wonderful visit with your family, and Merry Christmas!

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