Important Smurfy Discoveries

I now understand why there are always lines in the morning for early flights.

  • America West’s staff does not go on duty until 3:45.
  • The airport screening does not open until 4:15.
  • Coffee People does not open until 4:45.

So if you get here early, you have to wait for people to show up. If you wait until later, you have to wait in the lines that built up while other people waited. Neither is pleasant.

Plus Gate C17 at PDX is right in front of the children’s play area. It shows the Cartoon Network twenty four hours a day. Apparently the four o’clock hour is devoted to the Smurfs.

Oh, the day is off to a very smurfy start.

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6 thoughts on “Important Smurfy Discoveries”

  1. Oh, I hope it goes well Mary! Nothing sucks more when you’re tired than a bad airport experience… geez, it’s always the smallest flights that kill as well. I flew to Sydney from London with no problems, but when I went to Oslo? Hello security queues!

  2. The Smurfs would (to me) be a lot better than the dreadful news that they show over and over and over at the gates at RDU.
    So tell us what they are showing at your new gate.

  3. I always sing the Smurf theme song to diffuse group tension. Perhaps you could sing it to your fellow travellers?

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