I’m designing puppets for Gaiman’s Odd and the Frost Giants

I’m very happy to announce that I’ll be doing the puppet design for a production of Neil Gaiman’s Odd and the Frost Giants at Stages Repertory Theatre in Houston, Texas. This adaptation is by Robert Kimbro. He and I have worked together on other projects in the past and I’m incredibly excited to be involved in this world premiere.

It’s scheduled for May of 2011. I’ll keep you posted as more details develop.

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11 thoughts on “I’m designing puppets for Gaiman’s Odd and the Frost Giants”

  1. Woah, that is so cool.
    Puppet shows don’t normally get recorded and sold as dvd’s do they?
    I suppose I’ll have to travel if I want to see that production (and I so do, I love that story). Now I know where I’ll be going next May.

    Mostly though, can’t wait to hear more.

    1. And if you can’t make it to Houston (or even if you can), let your local young audience theatre know about the show. Maybe they’ll be interested in doing the 2nd production. 🙂

      And, Mary, it’s great to be working with you again.


  2. Sounds really neat! Glad to see something like this coming to Houston. Best of luck and I’m looking forward to hearing more about this!

  3. Fabulous news, Mary. April – May can be a delightful time to be here in Houston. June can be iffy. July to September = masochists only. Great scheduling!

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